Saturday, January 02, 2010

2010: Day 1 in the life of this writer

A new year, a new look, a new promise ...

Dear readers and friends, I hope your new year has started off on a positive note.  I started this Prose & Musing blog several years ago, but unfortunately as some of you may have noticed, I haven't done a very good job of keeping it up. In my defense,since I began this blog, I've continued to work full time, have a family, manage our home, have two novels published (actually have novels six written), continue to be a productive author, maintain my own website, administer three other blogs--two of which I help promote other writers, and belong to over 30 or is it 40 websites, forums and social groups. Needless to say, time is precious. When given a choice to use an hour to write or blog, well, there is no choice, is there?

Still, I decided to turn my Prose & Musing blog into a true diary in 2010.  I think since we're in day two of the year, my vow is to post something, anything (even if it's a single naughty word to describe my day), every day over the next 365 days as a way of sharing the events that shape this writer's life.

Mind you, some posts will be long while others may only be a sentence or two, but regardless of the length, I've challenged myself to do this once and for all. So I'll start by posting here what I published yesterday in my other blogs. I'll post today's blog later today. Wish me luck!

Janary 1, 2010: 
Since THE DEVIL CAN WAIT was released in November of 2008, 2009 was a year of book promotion, blogging, and getting to work on the next book. I was thrilled to learn that "The Devil" won the bronze medal in the 2009 Independent Publishers Book Award (IPPY) in May. However, I was deeply disappointed to learn that my publisher was about to leave the company (BeWrite Books).

Sometimes it's these setbacks in life that make us pick ourselves up from the seat of the pants, get moving in a new direction, and out of our comfort zone. On the upside of things, I started to write a book I'd had in my head for several years which felt wonderful. Cait and I have remained close friends and we had the wonderful opportunity to meet this past October.

If you want to know what I really think about 2009, you can read all about it in my post on Murder by 4 (one of my other blogs):

I'm truly looking forward to 2010. Already it's getting off to a great start. E-books of both of my Sam Harper novels are now available through Smashwords: , the edits in my current novel, SHROUD OF LIES, are going great, and last night, drum roll paleez-z-z-z-z-e! We found out that Murder By 4 was selected AGAIN by Writer's Digest to be among the 2010 Best Websites for Writers!

Day one and so far, so good! Best wishes to all and on to having a wonderful and prosperous New Year!


Otin said...

I write tons of short stories on my blog, and they always get raves. I wish that I knew what to do with them?
I think I will follow you!

Marta Stephens said...

Otin, one of the nice things about having an internet presence is that I get to network with lots, no lots and lots of people. I know there are numerous online magazines that publish short stories that will help give you additional exposure to your writing. I'll gather a few links and will post them here.

Thanks for stopping by!

Cheryl said...

Good for you! I see that you're moving along here nicely. We can only do so much, and I know you've been a very busy girl.

Good luck!
